Thursday, March 17, 2005


Praise the Lord, it is finally an answered prayer! My dad is getting baptised on the 27th March 2005 (Easter Sunday). When I heard about the news from my sister, I was so overwhelmed with joy. It's been our prayers (the "Su" family :]) for years that dad will come to declaring his faith. There's only him left in the family who isn't baptised. God is able to change people's hearts (in His own time).

When I went back to Medan 2 years ago, I was ashamed to myself when I heard (from mum) that dad never missed a prayer everynight on his knees talking to God. I saw him praying one night (we had to stay in one room - dad, mum and me, coz we were having a few guests staying at our house), even I skipped it alot of times.

I realise that 'baptism' doesn't seal you as being "a christian" if you don't live like one. My dad isn't yet baptised (although he was brought up in a christian family) but his action and life lay out his heart as Christ-follower. He always reminds me to live fearing God - especially being abroad and miles away from family.

Of course my dad isn't a perfect man, he's also sinful like us. But I'm glad that in his sinfulness he depends more on God and is absolutely humbled by His goodness. He is now involved in Church ministries, doing visitation, attending men's fellowship every Thursday night (or maybe a fortnight, not sure) and Sunday services. All I am saying is that he has become a blessing and encouragement to me personally (perhaps without him knowing it).

*Keep praying for you Dad, that you'll stay strong in your faith and keep bearing fruits for God along your christian journey.*

Now... Fred and I are trying to figure out what to give him as our congratulations. Any ideas?

Aah before I finish-up here... there's one thing that I think Fred and I will regret... we won't be able to witness his baptism ceremony, hiks! Oh well.. not a big deal, as long as we know he is forever saved by the blood of Jesus and is part of eternity. :)

Heart with thankfulness to God...


At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good news indeed!


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