Friday, May 26, 2006


In times like this, we often need assurance, encouragements...

"Allah memakai tekanan hidup untuk menghasilkan keindahan karakter yang menyerupai Kristus di dalam diri kita. Roh Kudus akan memakainya untuk menciptakan diri kita ketabahan, sikap tahan uji dan harapan tatkala kesulitan menghampiri. Hampirilah Allah!"

Satu lagu yang sungguh menguatkan:


Banyak perkara yang tak dapat ku mengerti
Mengapakah harus terjadi di dalam kehidupan ini
Satu perkara yang kusimpan dalam hati
Tiada satupun kan terjadi tanpa Allah perduli

Allah mengerti Allah perduli
Segala persoalan yang kita hadapi
Tak akan pernah dibiarkanNya
Ku bergumul sendiri s'bab Allah mengerti

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


I'm sitting here, thinking, preparing, praying for the hardest thing that I will have to do in the near future, for the thing that weighs me down so badly up to this day! I'm scared of what might turn out to be, not sure how to say it so I don't hurt the person, considering the tough things he might be going through right now as well (trying to be in his shoes) - but I need to do this, it will do him good.

Probably what I'm trying to say is that - sometimes in life, the most loving thing to do can "seem" to be the most dare/mean thing to do, especially to those people you claim that you love. Rephrase: The most unloving thing can sometimes be the most loving thing you can do to someone (D told me). So I think this is what I need to do. Scared? Yes! I'm just not a daring person, I tend to feel sorry (that's my weakness!).

I'm now pushed to the edge, no more putting up. Dear God, help me so I can be strong, and help the person so he can be strong as well as understanding.

So Lord to You I call... just can't do this alone. It's too hard Lord!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

C-KY (read: sickie)

Woke up this morning feeling not 100%, quite weak, stomach pain, dizzyness - it's probably the flu. Before more germs get spreaded out into the air and to avoid more germs intake, I decided to call in sick. Here I am at home, trying to rest, but find it hard to stay in bed, it makes me dizzier. Instead, trying to write some music and catch up on some other stuff. By the way... it's feeling sooo much better in the stomach, thank God!!

Work's been sooooo quiet - like.... no work all day? and get paid!!! It's not as good as it sounds though, I could not stand the boredom, had to beg for some work from my managers, even they're kinda running out of work hehehe, I don't understand...., then maybe we all can bludge instead.... =)

Counting down my days... I cannot wait to go to Bali. I really need it must say. The last time I went overseas was 2 years ago!!! Now I can't wait for this one, planning to fly on the 17th June for 7 day trip. I will have the first couple of days reserved for 'holiday' before the Music Camp commences on the 20th for the next 4 days. What's on my mind first thing I get there is (it won't be a surprise to some)... definitely getting a MASSAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ooohhh dying for it, really am!!! The one that looks like this... (ooohhh paradise..........).

I guess it's alright to pamper yourself once in a while, for me it's like once in 2 years??!! Btw also will be meeting up with Vera, a dear & beloved sister back in old days, alot to catch up on... yeay!!!

So I'll keep on counting my days......1 month away! (well actually... plus a few days).

Now I'm feeling dizzy again....too much counting and certainly too much dreaming. Daaa....

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


By. Vanessa L. Miller

To God, who created every song, note, and key
All glory and praise, I offer to Thee
Before the clap of the hand, or the tap of the shoe
The concept of rhythm, it started with You
You composed melodies for the birds to sing
And anointed their songs with the joy that they bring
So before You, the Author of music, I bow
I’m asking that You would bless me now
With the understanding of this perfect gift
This ministry You have blessed me with
That Your glory will always be my goal
That You will be the musician within my soul
Whether it be with my voice, my hands, or my feet
With wind, strings, pipes, or a steady beat
Without Your Spirit to touch and anoint
The sweetest sounds become mere noise
But to play like David, to calm and to soothe
And most of all, to be pleasing to You
Let this be my motive and the source of my drive
That Your name will ever be glorified
Please let my praise be a sacrifice
Offered to You, no pretense or disguise
Let my life be a song more precious than words
Sweeter to you than any note ever heard
Let it ring out strong, and true to the end
I ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


You Are 20% Weird

Not enough to scare other people...But sometimes you scare yourself.

How Weird Are You?


You Are Sunrise
You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary. You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward. Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts. All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be.
What Time Of Day Are You?