Friday, October 20, 2006


Does my blog load properly on everyone's screen? On mine, some bits aren't showing! Grrr...

Just wondering...

Do you guys eat because you are hungry OR do you eat because it's lunch/dinner time? I get guilty conscience whenever I skip my lunch/dinner times just because I'm not hungry. Do you get that kind of feeling?

Now it's waaaayyy past lunch time (1:33pm) and I have these mixed feelings of being not hungry, having no appetite and not knowing what to eat... AND (of course) feeling guilty!

Friday, October 13, 2006


Right now... I have absolutely nothing to do at work. I'm kinda bored and it's hot out there, 35 degree celcius to be exact. On top of that, I have not been feeling well for the past 2 weeks, I get hayfever during Spring, my body aches and right now it's feeling numb. Sometimes I am not quite sure whether I'm sick or not, tend to erase the thought of being sick, unless it's really really that kind of sickness when you really really need to see a doctor?

Earlier, I got to read an article called "Remaining Teachable". Often there's point in life when we think we've known enough about things that we need to know. But the fact is, no matter how intelligent a person is, there's always more to learn. No one has all the answers to everything, that belongs to God.

I especially like this acronym: H-O-W stands for Honesty, Open-mindedness and Willingness. It's ok not to have all the answers, it's better to have questions, and remain teachable.